Mascot Pictures

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    The Phantom Empire (1935)

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    The Phantom Empire (1935)

    When the ancient continent of Mu sank beneath the ocean, some of its inhabitant survived in caverns beneath the sea. Cowboy singer Gene Autry stumbles upon the civilization, now buried beneath his own Radio Ranch. The Muranians have developed technology and weaponry such as television and ray guns. Their rich supply of radium draws unscrupulous speculators from the surface. The peaceful civilization of the Muranians is corrupted by the greed from above, and it becomes Autry’s task to prevent all-out war, ideally without disrupting his regular radio show.

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    Ladies Crave Excitement (1935)

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    Ladies Crave Excitement (1935)

    Bored rich girl hooks up with news photographer, gets caught up in his adventures.

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    The Adventures of Rex and Rinty (1935)

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    The Adventures of Rex and Rinty (1935)

    A 12 episode serial starring Rex, the King of the Wild Horses and Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr. Rex is brought from the island of Sujan, where he is worshiped as a God-Horse, to the U.S. to be trained as a polo pony. He escapes, meets Rinty and with the help of Frank Bradley is returned to Sujan. The natives have been persuaded to turn against their God-Horse, however he is rescued just in time before he is burned as a sacrifice.

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    Waterfront Lady (1935)

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    Waterfront Lady (1935)

    When a young man is befriended by a gambling ship operator and made a partner in the business, he becomes involved in a police manhunt after he covers up a murder committed by his new partner.

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    King of the Wild (1931)

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    King of the Wild (1931)

    Richard Grant, imprisoned in India for a crime he did not commit, escapes and makes his way to Africa.

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