Product Tag - Romana Film

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    Samoa, Queen of the Jungle (1968)

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    Samoa, Queen of the Jungle (1968)

    The adventurer Clint (Roger Browne) travels across Borneo with a bunch of rogues and geologists on the search for a diamond mine. In the middle of the jungle, they meet a beautiful woman called Samoa (Edwige Fenech). Hardly a surprise that Clint falls in love with Samoa, but trouble with the natives begins when the diamonds are found because diamonds are holy stones to them.

    PKR 350
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    Knight of a 100 Faces (1960)

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    Knight of a 100 Faces (1960)

    Two knights, the honorful Riccardo and the sinister Fosco, are rivalling for damsel Zuela.

    PKR 250
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    Duel of Fire (1962)

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    Duel of Fire (1962)

    Obscure historical adventure about a fugitive who is forced into an alliance with a band of robbers.

    PKR 250
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    Hercules Against Rome (1964)

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    Hercules Against Rome (1964)

    PKR 250
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    The Island Monster (1954)

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    The Island Monster (1954)

    An Italian government agent is assigned to break up a drug smuggling ring on the island of Ischia but his daughter is kidnapped by the gang.

    PKR 250
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