Product Tag - Robert LaSardo

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    Autopsy (2008)

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    Autopsy (2008)

    Emily Johnson, her boyfriend Bobby and their friends Clare and Jude are recent college grads driving cross-country, taking a last vacation together before they face the “real” world. An accident leaves them hurt and stranded on a lonely Louisiana road. When the ambulance arrives, it whisks them to Mercy Hospital.

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    Tiger Heart (1996)

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    Tiger Heart (1996)

    A teen martial arts expert takes on a bunch of thugs who are forcing a community to sell their property in order to build a mall.

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    The Real Thing (1996)

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    The Real Thing (1996)

    Their plan was simple…Get the Cash. As Rupert, an ex-con, tries to go straight, his younger brother James pursues a life of delinquency. Days after being released from jail, James is gunned down and lies waiting in a hospital for a liver transplant. In a desperate attempt to save his brother’s life, Rupert decides to execute a heist at a downtown club on New Year’s Eve that will give him the money he needs. Rupert assembles an eclectic crew of ex-cons, including his best friend and his ex-girlfriend. Rupert and his gang converge on the nightclub for a climax that spins out of control. New Year’s Eve has never been so explosive!

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    Double Tap (2011)

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    Double Tap (2011)

    Bobby Giovanni is a distraught police detective and father over the edge. Plagued by his past and mourning the death of his wife he compensates by taking Vicodin and other prescription drugs. Upon discovering who murdered his wife he seeks revenge as social services takes his children away!

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    Home Stay (2018)

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    Home Stay (2018)

    Veronica and Anthony spend their honeymoon in a rental house located in a quiet town near the beach; when strange occurrences begin they soon discover the house is not what it seems, and the terror that truly awaits them.

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    Silencer (2018)

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    Silencer (2018)

    A retired hitman must reawaken all his deadly skills and fight a one-man war against his former employer.

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    Hope For The Holidays (2020)

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    Hope For The Holidays (2020)

    One man’s love for his dying mother leads him to commit the biggest mistake of his life. Now, with the help of his newfound faith and a Christmas miracle, he seeks redemption on Christmas Day.

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    Mind Games (2021)

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    Mind Games (2021)

    An Army psychologist held captive by an unknown adversary must find her way out of an RV in the middle of nowhere to survive.

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    Damon's Revenge (2022)

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    Damon’s Revenge (2022)

    A group of young adults spend the weekend at a friend’s house by the lake. Joined by the local sheriff, the group encounters an escaped convict Native American chief, a copycat killer and the return of the terrifying masked killer, Damon.

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    Bridge of the Doomed (2022)

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    Bridge of the Doomed (2022)

    A group of soldiers are ordered to hold a bridge during a zombie outbreak, but what lives underneath the bridge, proves to be even more deadly.

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    Death Count (2022)

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    Death Count (2022)

    Strangers awaken in individual holding cells with no memory of how they arrived. They realize if they don’t acquire enough online “likes” in a timely manner, they’ll die horribly at the hands of a sinister executioner.

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    Free Dead or Alive (2022)

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    Free Dead or Alive (2022)

    Set along a dangerous trail to the Mexican border, where every migrant is prey to assault. A proud knife-wielding heroine born into impoverished circumstances must escape a ruthless cartel to find true freedom.

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