Product Tag - Documentary

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    Girl Power (2016)

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    Girl Power (2016)

    Girl Power is a documentary that presents female graffiti writers from fifteen cities – from Prague to Moscow, Cape Town, Sydney, Biel, Madrid, Berlin, Toulouse, Barcelona and all the way to New York. The graffiti community is predominantly a man’s world, and men often share the view that graffiti – namely the illegal kind – is not for girls. And yet women have become increasingly more emancipated in recent years; there are female graffiti shows, magazines and websites. Girl Power captures the stories of ladies who have succeeded in the male graffiti world.

    PKR 150
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    OJ Simpson Trial: The Real Story (2016)

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    OJ Simpson Trial: The Real Story (2016)

    This trial of the century was the first nationally televised TRUE LIFE soap opera, a tangle of salacious plotlines. OJ SIMPSON TRIAL: THE REAL STORY reveals the true story behind the trial of O.J. Simpson the most highly publicized American criminal trial, ever. The documentary relies on contemporaneous archival material alone to illustrate the course of events. Without the interruption of modern interviews to provide hindsight, the storytelling triggers the same raw emotion and real-time perspective as when the events transpired all those years ago.

    PKR 150
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    INAATE/SE/ [it shines 
a certain way. to a certain place./it flies. falls./] (2016)

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    INAATE/SE/ [it shines 
a certain way. to a certain place./it flies. falls./] (2016)

    With this first feature, Adam and Zack Khalil reinvent the historical narrative in the form of a kaleidoscopic and conjecture-rich essay. Their work makes their community, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, resonate with the ancient Ojibway prophecy of the seven fires, a premonition of the arrival of white people. Using video effects, animation and off-kilter editing, and combining testimonials, experimental sequences and performances, the filmmakers brilliantly demolish linear filmic narrative – not to mention the Western concept of history. Overflowing with inventiveness, INAATE/SE/ revives traditional spirituality and culture, confronts an obfuscated colonial reality, and works toward building a modern identity.

    PKR 150
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    Way of Ozu (2016)

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    Way of Ozu (2016)

    Kogonada’s video essay showcases the similarities of the multiple films Yasujiro Ozu made in his lifetime. Ozu created a genre of his own – a way of filmmaking that was cultivated and nourished throughout Ozu’s career as a filmmaker.

    PKR 150
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    Banned Alive! The Rise and Fall of Italian Cannibal Movies (2016)

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    Banned Alive! The Rise and Fall of Italian Cannibal Movies (2016)

    2 1/2 hour-documentary on the rise and fall of one of the most controversial Italian genres every created. Starting with Deep River Savages arriving to the infamous Cannibal Ferox.

    PKR 150
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    Little Gandhi (2016)

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    Little Gandhi (2016)

    The story of iconic Syrian peace activist Ghiyath Matar whose brutal torture and death at the age of 26 outraged the international community and erupted into one of the most violent uprisings in modern history.

    PKR 150
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    A Year in Port (2016)

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    A Year in Port (2016)

    With renowned wine importer Martine Saunier as our guide, we journey into Portugal’s spectacular Douro Valley to explore the mystery and complexity of the world of port

    PKR 150
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    Thy Father's Chair (2016)

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    Thy Father’s Chair (2016)

    Twins Abraham and Shraga are prisoners of all the dreck piled high around their Brooklyn apartment – until concerned neighbors intercede.

    PKR 150
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    Endo What (2016)

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    Endo What (2016)

    Did you know that women with endometriosis see an average of 8 doctors for 10 years before they’re diagnosed? During that time, many are forced to abandon dreams of having children, to leave careers they love and to watch their personal relationships suffer. They’re regularly told (erroneously) that pregnancy & hysterectomy are cures and that pain is normal or in their heads. It’s time to break that cycle. It’s time for a normal that doesn’t mean multiple doctors, surgeries, misdiagnoses and years of pain. The only film of its kind, Endo What? gives you an accurate, up-to-date base of knowledge straight from the experts – a vital resource missing until now.

    PKR 150
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    A Year in Space (2016)

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    A Year in Space (2016)

    A day in space means 16 trips around the Earth, 16 sunrises and sunsets, and 16 opportunities to watch the Earth crawl by below, always in your sight—and always out of reach. A Year in Space follows American Astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko on their record-breaking stay aboard the International Space Station—part of an ambitious experiment to determine if humanity’s grand dreams of traveling to Mars can ever be achieved. This 11-episode series chronicles their mission, the thousands of people who work to support live in space and the families they left behind.

    PKR 150
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    Confronting the Cartels (2016)

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    Confronting the Cartels (2016)

    Tens of thousands of Mexicans have been killed in drug-related gang violence in the past ten years. Ruthless criminals control the illegal trade with the US, thought to be worth $13bn a year. Now one of Mexico’s leading politicians, known as El Bronco, the Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon claims he can beat the country’s infamous cartels. For Our World Yalda Hakim has been to spend time with him.

    PKR 150
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    Pompeii: New Secrets Revealed (2016)

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    Pompeii: New Secrets Revealed (2016)

    With unparalleled access to Pompeii and featuring cutting-edge modern technology, Mary Beard guides us through this amazing slice of the ancient world. For the first time ever, CT scanning and x-ray equipment bring new light to the secrets of the victims of the 79 AD eruption. Mary unpacks the human stories behind the tragic figures – gladiators, slaves, businesswomen and children.

    PKR 150
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