Product Tag - Denis Podalydès

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    Bienvenue en Suisse (2004)

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    Bienvenue en Suisse (2004)

    Thierry, ethnologue spécialiste des lapons, se rend dans sa Suisse natale avec sa compagne, Sophie, pour assister à l’enterrement de sa grand-mère. Il y retrouve sa famille et découvre qu’il a hérité de deux millions de francs suisses, mais que pour les obtenir il va devoir faire semblant de s’adapter aux valeurs et mode de vie suisse qu’il avait rejeté. Pour ce faire il va accepter une sorte de formation accélérée prodiguée par son cousin suisse Aloïs, qui aurait plutôt des vues sur Sophie.

    PKR 350
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    Comedy of Innocence (2000)

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    Comedy of Innocence (2000)

    Today, Camille turns nine. He had sworn that on his 9th birthday he would show his parents the videos he was shooting on the side – the tail of a cat scampering away, a window, and a veiled woman’s face – an intriguing picture… Later that day, Camille’s mother, Ariane, meets up with her son in the park. The boy appears perturbed. He is leaning against a tree, eyes cast down. He says that now he wants to return to his “real home” and his “real mother.”

    PKR 350
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    Max & Co (2007)

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    Max & Co (2007)

    15-year-old Max is in search of his father, the famous troubadour Johnny Bigoude, who disappeared shortly after Max’s birth. He reaches Saint-Hilare where Madam Doudou, the old teacher, takes care of him and finds him a job as elevator musician in the fly swatter factory Bzzz & Co. But the factory doesn’t run well and half of the village gets fired. To boost the swatter sales, a dangerous scientist creates a mass production of flies. Soon, a thick cloud of insects attacks the village… With courage and determination, Max and his new friend Félicie will do their best to neutralize the insane projects of Bzzz&Co. Will they manage to convince the villagers to help them in this adventure? All together will they stop the scientist’s crazy handlings? And will Max find his father?

    PKR 350
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    An Ordinary Execution (2010)

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    An Ordinary Execution (2010)

    During the last days of Stalin’s reign, a doctor (Marina Hands) tries to go unnoticed in a society of mutual dread where a neighbour or colleague might “denounce” you to the authorities at any moment.But tales of her healing touch have spread and one night she is taken away, not to the infamous Lubyanka prison, but to the Kremlin to attend the ailing Comrade Stalin himself. Uncle Joe (André Dussollier), an old man racked with pain but still as watchful and deadly as a snake.

    PKR 350
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    La mal-aimée (1995)

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    La mal-aimée (1995)

    At the beginning of the holiday, all the misfortunes seem to fall on young Ludivine, barely 13 years old, but sad as if she had one hundred.

    PKR 350
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    The First Man (2011)

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    The First Man (2011)

    Based on a novel that Albert Camus was working on when he died, we follow Jacques Comery as he travels back to Algeria in 1957, a place full of childhood memories. The country is split between those wanting to remain a part of France, and those demanding independence. Reminiscences of his mother, his stern grandmother and a young Arab boy come flooding back.

    PKR 350
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    Scribe DVD 2017 (Original)

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    Scribe DVD 2017 (Original)

    Title: Scribe DVD 2017
    This is 100% Genuine product.
    Region: 2
    Important: A lot of DVD players around now are region free – which play any DVD region. It completely depends on what DVD player you have.
    We actually have a number of regular customers based in the US, Canada and Australia who never have problems with our region 2 discs.

    Category: Feature Length
    Label: Arrow Films

    PKR 6,400
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    Intrusions (2008)

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    Intrusions (2008)

    Pauline, une riche héritière, a été mariée contre son gré par son père à un de ses employés, François, qui l’avait mise enceinte.Quand, quelques mois plus tard, son mari lui annonce qu’il veut la quitter, Pauline, furieuse, laisse sur le téléphone de ce dernier des menaces de mort.Alexis Target, un ouvrier qui travaille dans la maison de Pauline, entend la jeune femme proférer ces menaces.François meurt, le soir même, dans un accident de voiture.Le jour de l’enterrement, Alexis revient voir Pauline en affirmant qu’il a exaucé son souhait et a tué François.Alexis entre alors par effraction dans la vie de Pauline. Car lui aussi poursuit une vengeance…

    PKR 150
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    The Ordinary People (2009)

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    The Ordinary People (2009)

    The Muller company organizes a reception to mark the launch of a new product. During the evening, we discover that this is actually a coaching exercise for company executives. Gradually, rumours about the upcoming acquisition of the company start to emerge and everyone finds themselves trying to save their place.

    PKR 250
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    The Field of Enchantment (2011)

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    The Field of Enchantment (2011)

    A man remembers holidays at his uncle in a little village in the French countryside when he was something like 10. He feels so bored until he finds a pond and starts discovering the life in it.

    PKR 150
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    The Dandelions (2012)

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    The Dandelions (2012)

    A young girl is frustrated by her over-protective mom. At school, she meets another fearless little girl that is going to have a big influence on her.

    PKR 150
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    The Conquerors (2013)

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    The Conquerors (2013)

    Half-brothers Galaad and Noé first meet at their father’s funeral. They have little in common, apart from an equal share of personal failures. Convinced that the evil eye has been dogging them ever since their father stole a sacred relic, Galaad convinces Noé to act. Suddenly adventurers, the two men set out in search of the stolen object, and in search of the chance that has shunned them until now.

    PKR 150
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