Product Tag - Charles Berling

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    Father and Sons (2003)

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    Father and Sons (2003)

    Léo, un vieux père de famille ancien représentant de commerce, est prêt à tout pour retrouver l’affection de ses trois fils, David, Max et Simon. Il va même jusqu’à invoquer une maladie et une intervention chirurgicale pour les convaincre de l’accompagner dans un voyage au Canada, où il tentera de refaire l’unité du clan familial. Le quatuor de Français y fera la rencontre d’une guérisseuse et de sa fille.

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    Stardom (2000)

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    Stardom (2000)

    A young girl is plucked from small-town obscurity and thrust into the spotlight of the glamorous world of super-models.

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    Comedy of Innocence (2000)

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    Comedy of Innocence (2000)

    Today, Camille turns nine. He had sworn that on his 9th birthday he would show his parents the videos he was shooting on the side – the tail of a cat scampering away, a window, and a veiled woman’s face – an intriguing picture… Later that day, Camille’s mother, Ariane, meets up with her son in the park. The boy appears perturbed. He is leaning against a tree, eyes cast down. He says that now he wants to return to his “real home” and his “real mother.”

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    Scènes de crimes (2000)

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    Scènes de crimes (2000)

    Une jeune femme disparaît mystérieusement de l’auberge de ses parents. Deux policiers de la Crim’ de Paris sont chargés de l’affaire. Mais des tâches de sang trouvés dans un prospectus laisse présager le pire…

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    Beyond Suspicion (2010)

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    Beyond Suspicion (2010)

    Henri est convaincu que Lise, sa nouvelle et jeune femme, l’aime sincèrement. Henri est aussi convaincu que Sam, le témoin de leur mariage, est le frère de Lise. La machination est parfaite. Enfin presque…

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    Beirut Hotel (2011)

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    Beirut Hotel (2011)

    One evening, a married young singer Zoha meets the French lawyer Mathieu in a night club in Beirut. Mathieu will become suspected of spying, while Zoha is trying to flee from her husband. Despite these problems, the two will witness a love story for few days mixed with violence and fear.

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    Reinventing Marvin DVD (Original)

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    Reinventing Marvin DVD (Original)

    A young gay man determined to reinvent his life leaves everything behind on his quest for self-realization.
    This is a 100% Genuine product.
    Region: 2
    Important: A lot of DVD players around now are region free – which play any DVD region. It completely depends on what DVD player you have.
    We actually have a number of regular customers based in the US, Canada and Australia who never have problems with our region 2 discs.

  • 0 out of 5

    I Saw Ben Barka Get Killed DVD 2005 (Original)

    January 1966. In a Paris apartment, police discovered the corpse of Georges Figon, the man who broke the scandal of the Ben Barka affair and undermined Gaullist power.
    A year earlier, Figon, tired of dubious deals and petty scams, is looking for a juicy blow. Close to the “middle” since his years in prison, he was given a large mission: to produce a documentary about decolonization, written by Marguerite Duras and directed by Georges Franju, with the help of the famous Moroccan opponent Mehdi Ben Barka, hired as a historical consultant.
    This film project is a trap …
    This is 100% Genuine product.
    Region: 2
    Important: A lot of DVD players around now are region free – which play any DVD region. It completely depends on what DVD player you have.
    We actually have a number of regular customers based in the US, Canada and Australia who never have problems with our region 2 discs.

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    August 15th (2001)

    0 out of 5

    August 15th (2001)

    Three men are abandonned by their wives for a few days in the summer holidays. They are alone with five kids to feed and a house to maintain. And they will learn what they did wrong with their wives.

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    Cravate club (2002)

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    Cravate club (2002)

    Two architects and best friends have a difficult time sharing an office and their troubled private lives.

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    Hypnotized and Hysterical (Hairstylist Wanted) (2002)

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    Hypnotized and Hysterical (Hairstylist Wanted) (2002)

    Claude Duty’s feature-length debut Filles Perdues, Cheveux Gras (Hypnotized and Hysterical, (Hairstylist Wanted)) is an offbeat comedy about three women. Elodi (Olivia Bonamy) is a struggling single mother. Natacha (Marina Fois) is an upbeat alcoholic hair stylist whose beloved pet cat has disappeared. Marianne (Amira Casar) is drawn to a roguish, sexually adventurous art dealer. Their lives intertwine in a variety of ways. Song and dance numbers, as well as animated sequences, punctuate the film.

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    Bad Seeds (2012)

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    Bad Seeds (2012)

    Quiet 16-year-old Louis, the high school headmaster’s son, has never been in trouble. His best friend, 18-year-old Greg, however, is his polar opposite: provocative, angry, violent, he has been kicked out of school for physically threatening young English teacher Camille. When Greg asks Louis to help him take revenge on Camille, Louis accepts, fascinated…

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