Waiting in the Summer
Waiting in the Summer is a Japanese anime television series animated by J.C. Staff, produced by Genco and Geneon, and directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai. The screenplay was written by Yōsuke Kuroda, with original character design by Taraku Uon, who both contributed in the creation of the Please! franchise. A 12-episode anime TV series aired in Japan between January and March 2012 on TV Aichi and KBS. Sentai Filmworks has licensed the anime for release in North America. A manga adaptation illustrated by Pepako Dokuta was serialized in ASCII Media Works’ Dengeki Daioh magazine.
Bus Gamer
When three complete strangers, Mishiba Toki, Nakajyo Nobuto and Saitoh Kazuo, are hired by a corporation to compete in the Bus Game, an illegal dog-fight conducted in strict secrecy, they are given the team code of “Team AAA” (Triple Anonymous). This group of three who differ entirely from their living environments to their personalities have to work together effectively, but without mutually wiping out their mistrust of each other or prying into each other’s privacy. They only have one point in common – each of them need a large amount of money for their individual circumstances. To get the money, they must play in the game despite their very own lives being at stake.
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