Product Tag - Jealousy

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    The Sorcerer's Apprentice

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    The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

    Krabat, a beggar boy, is lured to become an apprentice to an evil, one-eyed sorcerer. With a number of other boys, he works at the sorcerer’s mill while learning black magic. Every Christmas one of the boys has to face the master in a magical duel, where the boy never stands a chance because the master is the only person who is allowed to use a secret spell: The Koraktor.

    PKR 250
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    This Boy’s Life

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    This Boy’s Life

    In 1957, a son and mother flee the East and an abusive boyfriend to find a new life, and end up in Seattle, where the mother meets a polite garage mechanic. The boy continually gets into trouble by hanging out with the wrong crowd. The mom marries the mechanic, but they soon find out that he’s an abusive and unreasoning alcoholic, and they struggle to maintain hope in an impossible situation as the boy grows up with plans to escape the small town by any means possible. Based on a true story by Tobias Wolff.

    PKR 150
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    Married Life

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    Married Life

    The late 1940s. Richard Langley, a bachelor playboy, narrates a story that starts when his best friend, Harry Allen, invites him to lunch to tell Richard he’s in love. Trouble is, Harry’s already married to Pat; he worries Pat would be hurt too deeply by a divorce. Then, Harry’s new love, Kay, joins them. Richard is smitten, so when he finds out that Pat may be in love with someone else.

    PKR 150
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    Taare Zameen Par

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    Taare Zameen Par

    Ishaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to appreciate. Colours, fish, dogs, and kites don’t seem important to the adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks, and neatness. Ishaan cannot seem to get anything right in class; he is then sent to boarding school, where his life changes forever.

    PKR 150
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    Verdammt die jungen Sünder nicht

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    Verdammt die jungen Sünder nicht

    No overview found.

    PKR 250
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    Bühne frei für Marika

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    Bühne frei für Marika

    A dance and music film tailored completely for Marika Rokk: After her divorce, the wife of a composer uses her wit and charm to engage Marika as a singer and dancer on the stage. This manages to give life once again to the extinguished love between her and her former husband.

    PKR 250
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    The World, the Flesh and the Devil

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    The World, the Flesh and the Devil

    Ralph Burton is a miner who is trapped for several days as a result of a cave-in. When he finally manages to dig himself out, he realizes that all of mankind seems to have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. He travels to New York City only to find it deserted. Making a life for himself there, he is flabbergasted to eventually find Sarah Crandall, who also managed to survive. Together, they form a close friendship until the arrival of Benson Thacker who has managed to pilot his small boat into the city’s harbor. At this point the tensions rise between the three, particularly between Thacker, who is white and Burton, who is black.

    PKR 250
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    Nichts als Gespenster

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    Nichts als Gespenster

    PKR 150
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    Shall We Dance?

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    Shall We Dance?

    Upon first sight of a beautiful instructor, a bored and overworked estate lawyer signs up for ballroom dancing lessons.

    PKR 150
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    Revolutionary Road

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    Revolutionary Road

    A young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the mid-1950s struggle to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children. Based on a novel by Richard Yates.

    PKR 150
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    Wuthering Heights

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    Wuthering Heights

    The Earnshaws are Yorkshire farmers during the early 19th Century. One day, Mr. Earnshaw returns from a trip to the city, bringing with him a ragged little boy called Heathcliff. Earnshaw’s son, Hindley, resents the child, but Heathcliff becomes companion and soulmate to Hindley’s sister, Catherine. After her parents die, Cathy and Heathcliff grow up wild and free on the Moors and despite the continued enmity between Hindley and Heathcliff they’re happy — until Cathy meets Edgar Linton, the son of a wealthy neighbor.

    PKR 250
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    Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making industry has found these pests responsible for giving their product an “earthy” taste that has divided local opinion. While in town, Angel becomes involved with two beautiful and very different women, and impacts their lives on a grand scale. Can either of these women accept the fact that Angel travels with a “ghost” of himself, or that he routinely speaks with the deseased townspeople?

    PKR 150
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