Product Tag - Iola Evans

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    Choose or Die (2022)

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    Choose or Die (2022)

    In pursuit of an unclaimed $125,000 prize, a broke college dropout decides to play an obscure, 1980s survival computer game. But the game curses her, and she’s faced with dangerous choices and reality-warping challenges. After a series of unexpectedly terrifying moments, she realizes she’s no longer playing for the money but for her life.

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    Phea (2022)

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    Phea (2022)

    Phea is an aspiring singer-songwriter who feels stuck. Her music career has stalled, and her relationship to her girlfriend Justine is on the precipice. So when Justine stops answering her calls, Phea tries to find her to get some explanation — but she is soon drawn into the orbit of a dangerous human trafficker that puts her own life, and Justine’s, on the line. She swiftly discovers that she would do whatever it takes to save her lover.

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    The Origin (2022)

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    The Origin (2022)

    In the Old Stone Age, a disparate gang of early humans band together in search of a new land. Following their leader’s promise of a better life, the tribe take their chances and embark on a perilous quest across unknown and treacherous terrains. But when they suspect a malevolent, potentially mystical, being is hunting them down, the terrified clan are forced to confront a danger they never envisaged. Shot in an isolation bubble in the Scottish Highlands during the pandemic, Andrew Cumming’s visionary survival horror is a masterclass in expansive world-building that belies its humble origins. With committed performances from its cast, who speak in a fictional prehistoric language (don’t worry, there are subtitles), this is genre filmmaking at its most breathtakingly ambitious. And it’s bloody scary too.

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