Product Tag - Gila von Weitershausen

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    Trenchcoat (1983)

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    Trenchcoat (1983)

    An aspiring mystery writer becomes accidently embroiled in an international plot during a two-week stay in Malta.

    PKR 350
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    Death Rite (1976)

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    Death Rite (1976)

    While traveling to a resort in Tunisia, the magician and clairvoyant Professor Vestar befriends the idle millionaire Edouard Vangard and he offers a ride in his car. Vestar discloses to Edouard that he had had a premonition of a woman being murdered in a desert area.

    PKR 250
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    X312 - Flight to Hell (1971)

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    X312 – Flight to Hell (1971)

    A plane leaving the turmoil of a South American country in the midst of a revolution crash-lands in the Amazon jungle in Brazil. Among the passengers are a corrupt banker who is smuggling diamonds out of the country, a reporter, a mysterious beauty and a shady flight attendant. The survivors find themselves up against not only the dangers of the jungle itself but a band of headhunters and a gang of revolutionaries who are looking for the smuggled diamonds.

    PKR 250
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    Patrik Pacard (1984)

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    Patrik Pacard (1984)

    Series about a boy who meets scientists involved in the discovery of a chemical which makes it possible to grow everything everywhere. He becomes entangled in the operations of secret services who try to steal the formula.

    PKR 250
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    Arthur of the Britons

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    Arthur of the Britons

    This series strips away the elaborate medieval view of Camelot, and presents Arthur as the chief of a small Celt tribe in Dark-Ages Britain, a century or two after the withdrawal of Rome. Arthur struggles to weave the scattered tribes of Celts, Jutes, etc. into a union that can effectively oppose the Saxon invaders who are arriving in Britain in growing numbers. He is aided by his adoptive father, Llud, and his foster brother, Kai, who is himself a Saxon foundling.

    PKR 800
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