Kokichi’s Wife
A heartwarming family drama set in the Edo period. The story revolves around Onobu, wife of a poor Hatamoto (direct retainer of the Shogun) Kokichi, and her family.
A Boy and His Samurai (2010)
A samurai from the Edo Period time travels to present day Japan where he meets a divorcee and her son. Soon, he discovers a passion for making pastries.
Kid’s Police (2013)
Detectives in the special investigation team in Kanagawa go after criminal organization “Red Venius,” based out of Yokohama. While pursuing the gang, the detectives turn into children due to exposure to a special gas. Dekachou (Fuku Suzuki) and the other detectives continue their investigation via an order from the National Police Agency. “Red Venius” then gives notice that they will they will assassinate the President of Tadzhikistan in Japan.
A Seaside Weekly Tabloid (2018)
A man finds himself on the seashore of a deserted island. He finds a copy of the tabloid weekly “Shukan Taishu” next to him. He decides to wait for help while reading the “Shukan Taishu.” While reading the tabloid weekly, his mind wanders into delusions. It so happens, that man’s greatest skill is the power of his delusions. As time passes, help does not arrive. His mind drifts into his past where he was always waiting.
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