Product Tag - David DeCoteau

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    The Pit and the Pendulum (2009)

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    The Pit and the Pendulum (2009)

    Seven students answer an advertisement to participate in an experiment to explore how the sensation of pain can be eliminated. Arriving at a secluded institute, they are welcomed by mysterious scientist JB Divay. Initially, JB’s fascination with hypnosis, clocks and cactus plants are dismissed by the group as mere eccentricities. But as the students begin to disappear one by one, they begin to question JB’s true intentions.

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    Alien Arsenal (1999)

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    Alien Arsenal (1999)

    Alien Arsenal, also released as Alien Weapons, tells the story of two teenage misfits, Ralph and Baxter, who accidentally discover a bizarre vault full of alien weaponry and body armor in the basement of their high school, with which they harness the power to transform from super geeks…to superheroes. Unfortunately, their discovery signals the arsenal’s alien owners who have returned to Earth to reclaim the deadly cache…and destroy the planet!

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    Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy (1999)

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    Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy (1999)

    Six young archaeology students discover the remains of an ancient Aztec mummy and accidentally unleash the fury of an evil god.

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    Ring of Darkness (2004)

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    Ring of Darkness (2004)

    When the singer of a popular rock band disappears under mysterious circumstances, a contest to find a replacement soon turns from dream-come-true to waking nightmare for the young singer who hopes to take the job.

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    Nightmare Sisters (1988)

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    Nightmare Sisters (1988)

    Melody, Marci, and Mickey are three geeky college girls who can’t get a date. One night, they invite some geeky college guys over and have a seance that results in the girls becoming possessed and turning into sex starved vamps. Will the geek hero guys be able to stop the horrible (?) possession?

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    Retro Puppet Master (1999)

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    Retro Puppet Master (1999)

    Toulon runs a puppet theatre in the heart of Paris and meets the sorcerer (the mysterious Afzel). When his life is saved by the lovely Swiss Ambassador’s daughter Ilsa, we bear witness to the origin of the Puppet Master.

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    Puppet Master III Toulon's Revenge (1991)

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    Puppet Master III Toulon’s Revenge (1991)

    Set in Berlin during WWII, the Nazi regime is attempting to develop a drug that will animate the dead, in order to use in the war effort. Toulin arouses suspicion as a Nazi dissident, and his secret is discovered. During a Nazi raid on his home, Toulin’s beautiful wife is murdered. Toulin vows revenge, with the help of his animated puppets.

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