Product Tag - Danielle Donahue

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    WildCat (2007)

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    WildCat (2007)

    A woman transforms into a cat monster.

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    Virus Shark (2021)

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    Virus Shark (2021)

    A shark bite spreads a virus across the globe, turning the world upside down. Deep below the ocean, a group of researchers race against time to find a cure. Something has infected the lab technicians and it’s a race against time to reach the surface with an antidote before they are all killed by themselves and the sharks lurking inside the test pool and outside in the ocean.

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    Queen Crab (2015)

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    Queen Crab (2015)

    A meteor crashes into a quiet lake in the remote countryside and awakens a centuries-old beast, who tears through a nearby town and its inhabitants, who must fight for their lives and stop this Queen Crab before she can hatch an army of babies.

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    Survival Knife (2016)

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    Survival Knife (2016)

    The lone survivor of a serial killer’s attack tries to cope with the death of her friends and her mutilation at the hands of the maniac – but she fears the trauma has awakened a dark side within her as she slowly becomes something possibly even worse than the man who scarred her forever.

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    Bigfoot vs. Zombies (2016)

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    Bigfoot vs. Zombies (2016)

    A scientist creates a toxic cocktail that is accidentally unleashed into the local population and a nearby police “body farm” – creating a small army of flesh-eating zombies – and only one creature of legend, a killer in his own right, can stop the growing hordes of the undead and save humanity.

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    Muckman (2009)

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    Muckman (2009)

    A TV documentary crew searches the woods for a fabled creature.

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