Product Tag - cross country trip

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    The Long Way Home (1998)

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    The Long Way Home (1998)

    The eve of Tom Gerrins (Jack Lemmon) life could be worse. Widowed since three years he has two daughters, two sons, seven grandchildren. Now that he can no longer take care of himself, his home and belongings are sold and he moves in with his son.

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    Arcadia (2012)

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    Arcadia (2012)

    Greta’s dad Tom is moving the family cross-country in a dented station wagon, promising a California paradise to his kids. All that’s missing is Mom.

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    Hollywood or Bust (1956)

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    Hollywood or Bust (1956)

    The last movie with Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin together, is a satire of the life in Hollywood. Steve Wiley is a deceiver who cheats Malcolm Smith when he wins a car, claiming that he won it too. Trying to steal the car, Steve tells Malcolm that he lives in Hollywood, next to Anita Ekberg’s. When Malcom hears that, they both set out for Hollywood and the adventure begins…

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    Six of a Kind (1934)

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    Six of a Kind (1934)

    The Whinneys share expenses for their trip to Hollywood with George and Gracie and their great Dane. A clerk in Whinney’s bank has put fifty thousand dollars in a suitcase, hoping to rob Whinney on the road, but instead Whinney takes another road and is himself arrested in Nevada.

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