Product Tag - Bela Lugosi

  • 0 out of 5

    Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man (Original)

    Graverobbers open the grave of the Wolfman and awake him. He doesn’t like the idea of being immortal and killing people when the moon is full, so he tries to find Dr. Frankenstein, in the hopes that the Dr. can cure him, but Frankenstein is dead and only his Monster is alive and this one wants to live, not to die like the Wolfman.
    This is 100% Genuine product.
    Region: 2
    Important: A lot of DVD players around now are region free – which play any DVD region. It completely depends on what DVD player you have.
    We actually have a number of regular customers based in the US, Canada and Australia who never have problems with our region 2 discs.

    PKR 3,150
  • 0 out of 5

    The Corpse Vanishes (Original)

    A scientist keeps his wife young by killing, stealing the bodies of, and taking the gland fluid from virgin brides. He’s aided by an old hag, her two sons – a brutish moron, and a malicious dwarf – in his twisted crimes. A woman reporter, investigating the mystery of the vanishing brides’ bodies, accesses his home and discovers the horrid secrets held by the cavernous basement of his house.
    This is 100% Genuine product.
    Region: 2
    Important: A lot of DVD players around now are region free – which play any DVD region. It completely depends on what DVD player you have.
    We actually have a number of regular customers based in the US, Canada and Australia who never have problems with our region 2 discs.

    PKR 2,250
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    The Midnight Girl (1925)

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    The Midnight Girl (1925)

    A corrupt art patron finds himself in love with the same girl as his stepson.

    PKR 250
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    The Whispering Shadow (1933)

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    The Whispering Shadow (1933)

    A mysterious criminal known as The Whispering Shadow commits crimes by means of a gang he controls by television and radio rays. Jack Norton, whose brother was murdered by The Whispering Shadow, suspects that the eerie Professor Strang – whose ghostly wax museum contains figures far too lifelike – may be involved in the crimes.

    PKR 250
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    Night of Terror (1933)

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    Night of Terror (1933)

    The heirs to a family fortune are required to attend a seance at the spooky old family mansion. However, throughout the night members of the family are being killed off one by one.

    PKR 250
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    Gift of Gab (1934)

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    Gift of Gab (1934)

    Conceited radio announcer irritates everyone else at the station.

    PKR 250
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    The Return Of Chandu (1934)

    0 out of 5

    The Return Of Chandu (1934)

    The cult of Ubasti, headquartered on the isle of Lemuria, believes that Princess Nadji of Egypt is a reincarnation of their long-dead goddess, Ossana, and intend to sacrifice her so that Ossana may be resurrected. Nadji has sought refuge at the California home of Frank Chandler, an American educated in the Ancient East and familiar with White Magic and thus calls himself “Chandu”. Vindhyan, high priest of the cult’s California base has learned of this, however, and works his Black Magic to gain control of Nadji. Chandu is able to rescue her but she is in a deep trance which he cannot penetrate, so attempts to move her to safety in the South Seas, unaware that the cult has a base there also and that Vindhyan has stowed aboard his chartered yacht. One of two feature films edited from the same-title, same-year movie serial, this one is comprised of the first four chapters simply edited together.

    PKR 250
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    SOS Coast Guard (1937)

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    SOS Coast Guard (1937)

    In his third of four action serials, horror star Bela Lugosi played Boroff, an internationally notorious fiend who’s attempting to pawn off his deadly invention, a disintegrating gas, to the highest bidder. Before the gas can be manufactured, however, Boroff must go in search of certain hard to come by ingredients and the villain is thwarted at every step by US coast guard agent Terry Kent (Ralph Byrd) and crusading newspaper woman Jean Norman (Maxine Doyle). In the serial’s 12th and final chapter, “The Deadly Circle,” Boroff is finally destroyed by his own invention, civilization thus saved for Democracy.

    PKR 250
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    The Return of Chandu (1934)

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    The Return of Chandu (1934)

    Chandu consults his crystal ball and sees that Nadji, Princess of Egypt, is in danger. She is about to be sacrificed by the black magic cult of Ubasti. Headed for the magic island of Lemuria, he is shipwrecked , washed ashore and captured. He becomes invisible, escapes and after numerous detours is able to rescue the princess.

    PKR 250
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    You'll Find Out (1940)

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    You’ll Find Out (1940)

    The manager of Kay Kyser’s band books them for a birthday party bash for an heiress at a spooky mansion, where sinister forces try to kill her.

    PKR 250
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    Spooks Run Wild (1941)

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    Spooks Run Wild (1941)

    A group of delinquents on their way to summer camp get stuck in a haunted house.

    PKR 250
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    Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla (1952)

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    Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla (1952)

    Two goofy entertainers meet a mad scientist on a jungle island.

    PKR 250
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