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    Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men (1933)

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    Aggie Appleby, Maker of Men (1933)

    Tough Aggie gives a street guy polish and a rich kid gumption.

    PKR 350
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    Bombshell (1933)

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    Bombshell (1933)

    Sexpot film star Lola Burns (Jean Harlow) is at the top of the pile in Hollywood in this pre-code film directed by Victor Fleming But with her father and brother always hanging around for handouts and the studio PR honcho cooking up endless lurid newspaper stories, she decides to get a new image by trying all sorts of schemes which go awry.

    PKR 350
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    Cash (1933)

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    Cash (1933)

    A formerly wealthy man and his daughter try to regain wealth by selling a scheme to some investors, when they come upon a huge amount of unclaimed cash that a young electrician has in his tool box.

    PKR 350
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    The Power and the Glory (1933)

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    The Power and the Glory (1933)

    A man’s life is retold just after his funeral. Beginning as a track walker, Tom Garner rose through all sorts of railroad jobs to head the company. In the meantime he lost touch with his family. When he saw what was happening it was already too late.

    PKR 350
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    Night Flight (1933)

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    Night Flight (1933)

    A mail company pushes their pilots to fly overnight to increase their delivery speed, but storms threaten.

    PKR 350
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    Ann Vickers (1933)

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    Ann Vickers (1933)

    1933 drama with Irene Dunn. After a love affair ending in an abortion, a young prison reformer submerges herself in her work. But then she falls for a controversial and married judge, so scandal looms again. Very controversial film at the time.

    PKR 350
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    The Emperor Jones (1933)

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    The Emperor Jones (1933)

    Unscrupulously ambitious ,Brutus Jones escapes from jail after killing a guard and, through bluff and bravado, finds himself the emperor of a Caribbean island.

    PKR 350
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    Wild Boys of the Road (1933)

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    Wild Boys of the Road (1933)

    At the height of the Great Depression, Tommy’s mother has been out of work for months when Eddie’s father loses his job. Eager not to burden their parents, the two high school Sophomores decide to hop the freight trains and look for work.

    PKR 350
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    To the Last Man (1933)

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    To the Last Man (1933)

    In Kentucky just after the Civil War, the Hayden-Colby feud leads to Jed Colby being sent to prison for 15 years for murder. The Haydens head for Nevada and when Colby gets out of prison he heads there also seeking revenge. The head of the Hayden family tries to avoid more killing but the inevitable showdown has to occur, complicated by Lynn Hayden and Ellen Colby’s plans to marry.

    PKR 350
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    Berkeley Square (1933)

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    Berkeley Square (1933)

    A young American man is transported back to London in the time of the American Revolution and meets his ancestors.

    PKR 350
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    Damaged Lives (1933)

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    Damaged Lives (1933)

    An extramarital affair leads to a young couple contracting venereal disease.

    PKR 350
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    Lady for a Day (1933)

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    Lady for a Day (1933)

    Apple Annie is a never-wed rough around the edges poor elderly woman who has always written to her daughter Louise in Spain that she is married and a member of New York’s high society. Upon receiving unexpected word from Louise (who hasn’t seen Annie since infancy, having been raised in a Spanish convent) that she is en route to America with her new fiancé and his father, a count, so the three of them can meet her, Annie panics, despairing that her beloved daughter will be destroyed when not only the aristocrat refuses his blessing for the young couple to marry, but Louise learns that everything Annie has told her is a lie.

    PKR 350
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