Macdonald Carey

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    Bride of Vengeance (1949)

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    Bride of Vengeance (1949)

    A female Borgia is sent out to live up to the family name by killing someone, but falls in love with her intended victim. [IMDB]

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    Hannah Lee (1953)

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    Hannah Lee (1953)

    Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie becomes a reluctant witness.

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    Stranger at My Door (1956)

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    Stranger at My Door (1956)

    Notorious outlaw Clay Anderson and gang rob the town bank and flee in separate directions. Riding hard, Clay’s horse goes lame and he is forced to pull-up at a nearby farm. He soon discovers that the place belongs to local preacher Hollis Jarret, his new wife, and a son from a previous marriage. Clay, posing as a weary traveler, tries to insinuate himself into a secure hideout, but the reverend isn’t fooled. He agrees to allow Clay to remain at the farm for a few days, but his motive isn’t the preservation of his family’s safety. Hollis reasons that, with time, patience and a lot of faith, he can convince the outlaw to turn over a new leaf. But Clay’s criminal tendencies may run deeper than the preacher had imagined

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    Copper Canyon (1950)

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    Copper Canyon (1950)

    A group of copper miners, Southern veterans, are terrorized by local rebel-haters, led by deputy Lane Travis. The miners ask stage sharpshooter Johnny Carter to help them, under the impression that he is the legendary Colonel Desmond. It seems they’re wrong; but Johnny’s show comes to Coppertown and Johnny romances lovely gambler Lisa Roselle, whom the miners believe is at the center of their troubles.

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    Tammy and the Doctor (1963)

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    Tammy and the Doctor (1963)

    Tammy becomes a nurse’s aid to care for an old rich woman and causes romantic commotion in the life of Dr. Mark Cheswick.

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    The Lawless (1950)

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    The Lawless (1950)

    A newspaper editor takes on the cause of oppressed migrant Mexican fruit pickers..

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