Leonard Jackson

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    Super Spook (1975)

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    Super Spook (1975)

    ‘If Shaft Cant’ Do It And The Hammer Won’t, Then Super Spook Will!’ – so says the tagline of the first ever blaxploitation parody made in 1972, long before Black Dynamite or I’m Gonna Get You Sucka were even gleams in their respective creators minds. Directed by Anthony Major and shot by a crew using equipment that they managed to borrow for a week, this mostly improvised picture was released to theaters running just under ninety minutes but arrives here in a lengthier director’s cut for the first time.

    PKR 350
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    Electric Nostalgia (2016)

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    Electric Nostalgia (2016)

    A young woman is haunted by visions of a faceless man after she is awoken from the dead in a body that is not her own.

    PKR 150
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    Ganja & Hess (1973)

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    Ganja & Hess (1973)

    After being stabbed with an ancient, germ-infested knife, a doctor’s assistant finds himself with an insatiable desire for blood.

    PKR 250
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