Joy Rovaris

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    Wicked (2021)

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    Wicked (2021)

    Ivy Morgan, a college student in New Orleans, falls for Ren Owens, the last person she expected to enter her rigidly controlled life.

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    Torn (2022)

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    Torn (2022)

    Everything Ivy Morgan thought she knew has been turned on its head. If she doesn’t figure out who she can trust-and fast-it’s not only her heart that will be torn apart, but civilization itself.

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    Bobbi Kristina (2017)

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    Bobbi Kristina (2017)

    The untold story of Bobbi Kristina Brown is one of adventure, dreams, conflict, perseverance, faith, friendship, and love — a love between mother and daughter. A love often interrupted by success, emotional upheaval and drug addiction but an unshakable,

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