James Duval

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    Punk's Dead: SLC Punk 2 (2016)

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    Punk’s Dead: SLC Punk 2 (2016)

    Punk’s Dead, the sequel to 1999 cult hit SLC Punk, is a punk romp through the Utah hinterlands. Ross, Penny and Crash, young outsiders from different tribes, embark on a road trip to a huge punk show. Ross, 19, is the love child of Trish and Heroin Bob, who died before Ross was born. During their odyssey, and with the help of a healthy dose of drugs, alcohol and punk music, Ross shreds his darkly Gothic outlook and embraces life. His mother Trish, who raised Ross alone in her steam punk shop, discovers that he is in a crisis. She recruits his ‘uncles,’ Bob’s old SLC gang, to help find him. When all collide at the concert, they are forced to deal with their unresolved relationships with Bob.

    PKR 150
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    American Romance (2016)

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    American Romance (2016)

    A series of horrifying murders, the victims, always couples, staged in bizarre collage dioramas with cardboard cutouts and scribbled, childlike messages about the corrupting power of love. The killer’s on the loose, and the FBI is looking for a truck driver. Emery Reed is a long haul trucker disillusioned with the American Dream after an accident left his wife paralyzed and took the life of their son. Newlyweds Jeff and Krissy are having the time of their lives until their car breaks down on a rural road in the middle of nowhere. When the love birds collide with the forlorn truck driver, a wild ride leaves everyone questioning the true value of love and American Romance.

    PKR 150
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    It Watches (2016)

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    It Watches (2016)

    Andre, recovering from a recent accident, agrees to help his friend Robert by taking over a house sitting job at a creepy home nestled in the hills above Los Angeles. As night comes, the house reveals its insidious nature as Andre begins hearing ominous sounds and experiencing strange occurrences throughout the house that lead him to believe he is not alone, and that someone, or something is in the house with him.

    PKR 150
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    The Abduction of Jennifer Grayson (2017)

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    The Abduction of Jennifer Grayson (2017)

    PKR 150
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    Spreading Darkness (2017)

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    Spreading Darkness (2017)

    Stu Undercoffler (Eric Roberts) is a corrupt CEO whose drive for power has led him to make some highly unethical choices. Once Stu’s self-serving decisions have begun to spread darkness through the world, there’s no stopping it. After losing his wife, Stu begins to have a crisis of conscience but starts to believe he is being stalked and has been hallucinating. Is he losing his mind or have his former victims come back to wreck havoc on him?

    PKR 150
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    Mad Cowgirl (2006)

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    Mad Cowgirl (2006)

    A woman, who is dying of a brain disorder, begins a surreal journey which descends into violence.

    PKR 150
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    Totally Fucked Up (1993)

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    Totally Fucked Up (1993)

    Life really sucks for a group of gay and lesbian teenagers living in Los Angeles. Their parents kicked them out, they’re broke and bored, their lovers cheat on them, and they’re harassed by fag-bashers. If things are going to be this way, maybe suicide isn’t a bad idea; at least not in the mind of Andy, our major protagonist, who gives the film its title by describing himself as “totally fucked up”.

    PKR 150
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    The Doom Generation (1995)

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    The Doom Generation (1995)

    Jordan White and Amy Blue, two troubled teens, pick up an adolescent drifter, Xavier Red. Together, the threesome embark on a sex and violence-filled journey through an America of psychos and quickiemarts.

    PKR 150
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    A River Made to Drown in

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    A River Made to Drown in

    Allen, a struggling young artist who once survived by working in the streets, is now involved with Eva, a wealthy Los Angeles gallery owner. Quite by surprise Allen receives a visit from an old john, Thaddeus, who is dying from aids and has come to spend his last days somewhere humble ans spare. Allen reluctantly takes him in, straining his relationship with Eva, who slowly discovers the truth about their past. When Thaddeus implores Allen to find Jamie, a young hustler he had once tried to rescue, Allen returns to the streets where he must choose between what he left behind and the uncertainty that lies ahead. Written by Alie Heidema

    PKR 150
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