Fake Kyoto Bijutsu Jiken Emaki
Set in Kyoto, the story revolves around a single, 40-year-old part-time university lecturer named Urasawa Yu. Although she is awkward in normal social situations, she possesses extraordinary judgment when it comes to understanding people in art-related contexts and determining the authenticity of historical works of art. With those skills, she is able to determine the truth behind various incidents that happen around her. Tokyograph
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Set in Kyoto, the story revolves around a single, 40-year-old part-time university lecturer named Urasawa Yu. Although she is awkward in normal social situations, she possesses extraordinary judgment when it comes to understanding people in art-related contexts and determining the authenticity of historical works of art. With those skills, she is able to determine the truth behind various incidents that happen around her. Tokyograph
Original Name: フェイク 京都美術事件絵
Number of Seasons: 1
Status: Returning Series
Type: Scripted
First Air Date: April 1, 2011
Last Air Date: April 1, 2011
Primary Year: 2011
Genres: Mystery
Production Companies: NHK
Spoken Language(s): Japanese
Origin Countries: Japan
- Season 1 — 1 Episodes — Air Date: April 1, 2011
- Naomi Zaizen – Urasawa Yu
- Shiho Fujimura – Yuko Urasawa
- Yoko Minamino – Shiraishi Ako
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Weight | 1 kg |
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Warehouse |
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